It's hard to believe it's been 4 months since the whirlwind that was Cartoon Forum in Toulouse last year. It was our first time there and it was a wonderfully organised event, to say the least. We were lucky to catch up with old friends from around the globe and see what stages everyone else's projects were up to and how they were going! We also made a bunch of great new friends too. We were lucky enough to pitch Kikeriki! to a room full of over 100 broadcasters, producers and distributors on the first day and this sparked some fantastic discussions and meetings for the rest of the week. Andrea and I both feel like overtime we attend a market like this it's the steepest learning curve possible!
The city of Toulouse provided a great back drop for lots of networking, i.e., drinking pale rosé and eating incredibly yummy smelly French cheese. There was even a boat cruise! It's unbelievable to us, as new producers that this is the way to go about getting your series made! (I suppose it makes up for all the hard work and long hours!)
All in all it was the most successful conference we have attended yet, it introduced us to other creatives, producers and broadcasters that are now on board to bring Kikeriki! to life. We can't wait to go back this year with our pilot, ready to sell the Kikeriki! series. Till next time!