Kikeriki Productions is a young and enthusiastic company that produces high quality media for children, including music, animation and more. With offices in Berlin and Melbourne, plus creative and animation partners in Copenhagen and Utrecht, the company is passionate about creating exciting and timeless entertainment for kids that has a uniquely global potential.
We are currently developing a live action/animated series for preschoolers called Kikeriki! It received a best project nomination at the Cinekid Film Festival, Amsterdam 2014 and won Best Project at the Animation Production Day in Stuttgart, 2015. It has been selected as part of Cartoon Forum in Toulouse in September 2015. The first music video short and album from the series were released late 2014. The project is currently in late development with a pilot for the 39 part tv series planned for early 2016. See the projects page for more info.
Introducing the team. Yes we are all blondes and we do have more fun but we also get more work done!
Andrea McEwan, Creative Director, Writer and Producer, Berlin
Sarah Godden, Creative Director, Writer and Producer, Melbourne
Iris Deppe, Illustrator and Creative Consultant, Copenhagen
See more of Iris' amazing work here.